Building strong, resilient communities together.
Learning is a lifelong skill that benefits individuals and communities in many different ways.
We know that people with higher literacy skills earn more, work more and tend to need less social assistance. We also know that higher literacy skills lead to better health choices, and healthier, longer and more independent lives. When people have higher literacy skills, they also tend to get more involved in their community, and they tend to ensure their children have strong literacy skills as well.
Even adults need support. If you, or someone you know, is interested in improving reading, writing, math skills, or workplace and computer skills, or need a tutor as you work towards completing your Adult Dogwood, please contact us by phone (250 559 8398), email, or register as a learner above, and we will connect you with the supports available.
Our Programs & Services
One on One Confidential Tutoring
We offer free confidential tutoring services for adults who are working on high school Dogwood, basic workplace skills, and basic computer skills. Our free tutoring programs are open to all residents of Haida Gwaii, and supporting tutors are from our local communities. Contact us if you would like to become our learner.
Group Tutoring for Adult Courses
We offer free, group courses in computer skills for seniors, ESL, Word and Excel programs, and more. Contact us if you would like to participate in any of our courses.
Resource Library
We host a resource library and a device lending library for volunteers and learners. Books and laptops can be borrowed for short term use. Contact us for more information.
Community Literacy Celebrations
Throughout the year, we host a number of community literacy celebrations and events, including our bi-yearly fun trivia challenge, and visiting authors and indigenous storytellers in our local schools and various island communities.
Lifelong Learning Workshops
We host various lifelong learning opportunities for residents throughout the year; from reading strategies, financial literacy to computer skills workshops. Check out our postings for more information.
Application Form & Tax Assistance
We provide support in filling out a wide range of application forms - from EI applications, income assistance to other government applications. We host free tax preparation clinics throughout the year, a partnership between our society and CRA’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). Contact us if you need assistance in this area.
Imagination Library
Literacy Haida Gwaii funds Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, a free book gifting program devoted to inspiring a love of reading in children. Each month, enrolled children living on Haida Gwaii receive a high quality, age appropriate book in the mail, free of charge. Children receive books from birth to age five. If you are a resident of Haida Gwaii and have children under age five, you are welcome to register for this free program.